Nov 18, 2014

Please pray for a friend of mine

She had to make the most difficult decision any woman can. She recently found out she's pregnant, even though she had herself sterilized because of life threatening issues with her past pregnancies. She is the sole breadwinner in her home, her husband is disabled. She already has 2 little ones at home. She opted to have an abortion, otherwise her Doctor tells her she will die. She confided this to me today. She feels very ashamed.

I am Catholic. I have a moral objection to abortion. I can point to people like St. Gianna Molla, who heroically chose to die rather than abort her baby.

I did not do so. I did the only thing I knew to to do. I said, "I'll pray for you."

I could have chosen to take a hard moral stand, and did not. I hope I did the right thing in the eyes of my Lord. All I could think was "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." She chose to confide in me, seeking understanding, and I think, compassion. That had to be extremely difficult for her.

So please pray for my friend and for her unborn child.


  1. I will certainly pray for her, but have her consult a priest, I think that the church has a bit more nuance on the subject when a woman's life is endangered by her unborn baby. In those cases they don't view it as abortion, in much the same way that a failed marriage is voided by an annulment.

    1. She's not Catholic. I'm not sure if she has any faith at all. She knows what any mother know, that this is her baby, it's real, and she has to have an abortion to to save her own life and provide for her other 2 kids.

    2. If she's not Catholic, then it's between her and God.

  2. May the Lord grant her divine wisdom to make the correct choice.

  3. In this case, it's self-defense.

    As Christians, we are commanded to love our fellow man as we would ourselves. Yet, will we not defend our lives from the person trying to take ours? Though our assailant may be addled by drugs or insanity, and perhaps not responsible for his actions, we will still do what we must, though it may leave us with a heavy heart.

    I'm nowhere near arrogant enough to claim to know the mind of God, but I do know that He is just, loving, and understands us better than we understand ourselves. May He bless and keep your friend in this her time of tribulation.

  4. That is a very difficult situation. I will certainly pray for her and her unborn child. There are no good answers here.

  5. I will keep her in my prayers. You did well by simply offering her support and prayers, not judgement.

  6. My young son once asked me if I was afraid to die. I told him no, because dying is easy, it's living that's hard.
    She was given a very difficult choice to make. Why? Who knows?
    I'll keep her in my prayers.

  7. What a hard thing for her to face. Each option has both moral, spiritual and practical issues, none of which are trivial. My thoughts and prayers are with her, and you.

  8. I think even the current stand by the Church of Rome would not find sin in her decision. She has living responsibilities to her children, her husband, and herself. "Life of the mother" and all that.
