Jun 27, 2014

Man, they have their fingers in everything!

So I'm walking into work today when there's this biker. In and of itself this is not unusual.

Then I looked on the back of of his cut.

And there was all sorts of Masonic emblems on it.

So yeah, shaved head biker Mason. Not a phrase I thought I'd ever utter.

Jun 26, 2014

It's been one month...

...since I have seen my family. She left on May 26, Memorial Day.

The argument keeps going on and on in my head.

It still hurts, constantly.

I'm sure everyone is as tired of my drama and whining as I am. I do breathe, I do distract but it still hurts.

Gonna go help a friend move some furniture. Maybe I won't think for a while.

I'm still taking donations, if you have anything to spare. I still need about $800 for the Missouri lawyer. Thank you for what you've given so far. And thanks for listening.

Jun 24, 2014

Bitter musings(be ye warned)

  • Nothing ends an argument quite so well as being told to Shut Up Under Penalty of Law.
  • In the same vein, it doesn't do much for a Marriage, which depends on trust and communication.
  • If I were allowed to TALK, I might be able to solve this. 
  • Because I am not allowed to talk, I am forced to conclude that this is not about solving the problem, but about punishing me. 
  • Therefore, filing a Restraining Order on the other spouse is not a valid discussion/argument/problem solving technique, but a legal slap in the face and declaration of intent to divorce. QED
  • Someone, please, prove me wrong. If there is a hole in my reasoning, show it to me. Anyone. Especially Christians who believe in the Sanctity of Marriage. I want to be wrong about this.

This needs to be a thing

There needs to be womens pants with "I support the Second Amendment" embroidered on the seat. That would be the perfect response to "I support the Second Amendment, but..."

Jun 23, 2014

Sorry for the lack of blogging

I got squat. Well squat that isn't a bunch of depressing angst and pointless unproductive musings on my marriage.

So here is a picture of a cat:

Jun 15, 2014

Crying in the Shower

I posted this on FB, back after she stopped talking to me and letting me talk to Progeny. I thought I'd share it with ya'll. I wrote it out in one sitting. So it's a bit rough.

Crying In The Shower

Suck it up, they say, and be a man
Don't let your feelings show
Don't show your weakness to the world
For all the world to know.
To cry and bawl are not for thee
'Tis unmanly so they say
So I do my crying in the shower each and every day
To be a stoic is the goal of most the men I see
To face your pain unflinchingly
To force your pain to flee
But in the shower no one's there to see the tears that fall
So they can see my brave face on when I am out my walls
It's getting harder though
to do this thing, to keep the stoic way
For I have taken showers at least fifteen times today.

For Father's Day, help me get back to my daughter

So after paying the lawyer in Other State, I have $269.02 in the paypal account, thanks to your continued donations. Which means that I need another $800 to pay the lawyer here, to fight for custody.

Please, if you have a little left over, please consider donating to my legal fund.

To all those who have donated, THANK YOU! Please spread the word. I need more, to get my daughter back.

Jun 10, 2014

Funding update

Right now I am at $558.07 in PayPal, THANK YOU!

With this, I'm going to go ahead and finish paying the retainer for the lawyer in Other State. That will allow me to work on stage one, which is clearing my name and getting the TRO removed so I can (legally at least) contact my daughter.

Please keep Progeny in your prayers, as she is the one being hurt the most by this.

Jun 9, 2014

Legal news

So my lawyer in Other State has informed me that the Court has granted me a continuance. I now have to appear for the hearing on July 7.

She is being represented by LegalAid.

The lawyer in Other State is costing me $1200; 600 of which I have already paid. The lawyer here in Missouri(for the divorce) is charging me $1700; $700 of which I have already paid.

Thanks to all of you, I have raised $512. I need more, please. I hate asking, but I need to fight this. In addition to those retainers, I also need "traveling money" to travel 3 states away(800 miles), and to get (cheap)motels while I'm traveling.

To all those who have donated, THANK YOU for all the help you've given me. Please, spread the word. Hopefully I'll be able to cover more of this.

I haven't started a GoFundMe page because, honestly, I don't want to shame my wife the way she's shamed me. I will keep everyone appraised of how much I've raised thus far. And let you know if I spend any of it and where.

I don't know what else to do. She took my daughter, I have to fight.

As long as you are in a donating mood, help Erik and Sabra, too. 

Jun 7, 2014

Lawyer Bleg

God I hate this...

My wife ran off with my daughter to another State. And she filed a restraining order against me. Making me a prohibited person. I did not abuse my wife. If you want to know the details before you donate, my e-mail is on the sidebar. I warn you, it's complicated, and not pretty.

I need money to pay the lawyer handling my case, in the State where my wife is, to remove the TRO, and fight for my good name. I will put it to you, if my wife is several states away, how am I a "clear and present danger" to her? She left me, and I stayed put, waiting for her to come back, hoping it was just a temper tantrum, hoping she was at a friend's house, worrying that my daughter was OK. For the first couple of days she would call, repeat her narrative, make her demands, and let me talk to Progeny. Then she "shamed" me publicly on FaceBook. Then she cut me off. Wouldn't respond to me. Wouldn't answer the phone. Then I got served. With an out of State TRO. With the hearing in 4 days. That's when I started scrambling for legal representation.

I also need money to pay the divorce lawyer in my own State, and to fight for custody of my daughter, because I will not have my daughter be put through the same type of psychological abuse I was put through. Other bloggers can corroborate my claims. They are local to me, and have seen what my wife can be like when she's mad at me. My wife has made the claim that she doesn't "feel safe" with me. Then I say she doesn't have to stay with me anymore. I will be fighting for custody, for my daughter's safety.

I'm sorry for all the blegs. To those who know me on FB and meatspace, I'm sorry for all the drama. I've sold all my guns to partially pay for both lawyers, and to set back some money to travel from the Midwest to the Northeast. But I need more. Please help, any way you can. Help me get my daughter back. Not for me. For her.