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Feb 14, 2015

God has a sense of humor...

So today, I went to Confession. Because the hurt and hopelessness just got to be too much. Given what's going on in my life, and what day it is, I'm sure you understand why.

After being Absolved, I went to Mass. And these were the readings.

The Homily(Sermon for my Protestant Brethren) also seemed... directed.

I still hurt. But so did St. Dismas.

Remember me, when You come into Your Kingdom...

Feb 13, 2015

Today's Earworm

God, if You really love me, You'll kill me as I sleep tonight.

No, I'm not going to do it myself. It's up to Him.

Feb 4, 2015

What's the point?

A man goes to work, where he has to drop everything for everybody, gets constantly told he's not doing good enough, or that he's doing it wrong, and has to do it the boss's way or he'll get fired.

Then he goes home to the love and comfort of his family. Where he has to drop everything for everybody, gets constantly told he's not doing enough, or that he's doing it wrong, and he has to do everything her way or he'll get fired divorced.

So then he turns to the hope and comfort of his religion. Where he gets told from the pulpit that he's not good enough, or that he's doing it wrong, and that he should drop everything for everyone else, and he has to do it God's way or he'll get fired eternally.

Seriously, why bother?